Nature&Society performs its tasks following three principles

Recognizing the complexity of relations between nature and society

“Nature” and “Society” are realms interconnected by multiple mutual relations. Forests, grasslands and pastures, wetlands and other natural areas especially in industrialized countries are strongly characterized by the historical influence of humans and their actions. Society relies on nature for resources and services such as food, energy, construction materials, air and water depuration, biodiversity conservation and recreation and leisure. Economic and social development are not possible without these goods and services. The interlinkages here described generate both synergies and trade-offs which make the relations between nature and society a complex issue to dissect.

Blending natural and social sciences

Nature&Society applies innovative interdisciplinary approaches to tackle the complex relations between natural environment and contemporary societies. It combines natural science and the derived knowledge on the processes regulating natural ecosystems with social science expertise on the functioning of society. Issues like climate change, biodiversity loss, use of renewable energy, forest fire protection and resource efficiency are treated in connection with the analysis of the actors and institutions involved in these topics, of their practices, interests, discourses, power relations and coalitions. 

 Aiming at completeness, flexibility and originality

In accomplishing its mission, Nature&Society offers a wide variety of products each one in different formats, together concurring to fully support the understanding and explaining of relations between nature and society. Because such complex relations require innovative approaches, Nature&Society offers original and alternative products among more conventional ones. Products range amongst: 1) leading of and contribution to scientific projects, 2) publication and communication activities, 3) education and training for students and professionals, and 4) logistic support of itinerant projects and activities. Through this spectrum of offers,  Nature&Society proposes itself as a leading consultancy agency in research, publishing, training and field study logistics.