The socio-political impact of scientific researchers

Seminar on the application of social science theories to natural science topics

20 November 2014, Molise University, Pesche (IS), Italy

The seminar addressed the mutual relations between society and nature and the relevance of studying environmental problems from a social perspective, i.e. analyzing involved stakeholders and related perceptions, interpretations, interests, strategies and power relations. It addressed the conceptual and methodological application of constructivist epistemology and discourse theory, also through an innovative role playing game involving participants. The seminar reflected on the way researchers can influence policy and public attitude towards environmental problems by  using the theoretical approaches previously displayed.

Poster of the seminar.pdf
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Analyzing the implementation of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in countries of former Yugoslavia


Workshop for researchers performed within COST Network 1401: Capacity Building in Forest Policy and Governance in Western Balkan Region


18 June 2015, Forestry Department of the Biotechnical Faculty of Ljubljana, Slovenia



The workshop took place on . It was joined by researchers dealing with the study of forestry and of other rural activities. Researchers came from both academic and non-academic realities (University, professional forest institutes and public forest service). The workshop started with a presentation which introduced the topic of the Criteria and Indicators and possible ways to study this topic from a socio-political perspective. These methods included the creation of a questionnaire to enquire stakeholders' perspectives on use and usefulness of the Criteria and Indicators and of eventual other tools employed to achieve and measure Sustainable Forest Managagement. Afterwards, researchers were asked to participate in interacting activties as well as in a consultation session aimed at valuing their expert knowledge. Researchers were firts involved in an analysis of the forest sector in countries of former Yugoslavia and then asked to contribute to the stakeholder analysis. Through specifically designed methods, stakeholder groups were created for the various actors which play a role in the forest sector. Finally, participants were invited to provide names and contact details of persons belonging to the various stakeholder groups identified by exploiting their personal network of contacts.   


Workshop flier-SFM in Western Balkans- C
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Environmental Issues and Social Topics: Employing Publìc Participation and Local Knowledge


Seminar for researchers performed within COST ACTION ES1203 (SENSFOR): Enhancing Resilience Capacity of Sensitive Mountain Forests 


13 October 2015, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Sciences of the University of Torino


The seminar was held in Italian and it aimed at training local researchers to the inclusion of social science topics in the study of environmental issues. In particluar, the meeting introduced the importance of considering the multiple relations between society and the environment and of treating these two realms as a single system. It proceeded by showing the relevance of the system environment-society in European policies like Biodiversity Strategy and Rural Development and in related funds for research like Life and Horizon 2020. The seminar then addressed the practical issue of preparing a research proposal for the obtainment of European funds for enviornmnetal research, which is based on the employment of participation and local knowledge. Methods for three types of participation were explained: public, stakeholder and targeted participation. Moreover, the seminar addressed the techniques for carrying out interviews and preparing questionnaires as well as the methods for organizing interactive meetings where targeted actors are invited to contribute to scientific projects through innovative ways of consultation.    

Seminar flier-SENSFOR.pdf
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Mountain Forests and Environmental Change: Comparing Science and Practice


Workshop for forest technicians performed within COST ACTION ES1203 (SENSFOR): Enhancing Resilience Capacity of Sensitive Mountain Forests 


22 October 2015, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Sciences of the University of Torino


The workshop involved forest technicians from two Italian regions, Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta, as well as representatives of local administrative offices dealing with forests. Participants were officially recognized professional credits for their participation, which they need for the yearly update of their professional experience. The meeting applied innovative methods for involving forest stakeholders in the provision of information to forest research and it represented an interactive occasion for employing targeted participation techniques. Participants were first illustrated the difficulties of establishing a dialogue between science and practice and the possible solutions to overcome problems. Afterwards, they were conceptually introduced to the topic of the seminar, namely the resilience of sensitive mountain forests to climate and land use changes. They were then presented scientific results on the effects of these changes on Alpine forest ecosystems and asked to provide their opinion and direct experience on the facts presented. Subsequently, participants were informed on existing scientific indicators of forest resilience and requested to provide their perceptions over the practical validity of these indicators. Finally, forest technicians were involved in the preparation of scenarios of development for sensitive mountain forest under environmental changes. 



Workshop flier-SENSFOR.pdf
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Workshop informative sheet-SENSFOR.pdf
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